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Welcome to Advance Towing
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Advance Towing 29926 map
Selected Shop Information
Advance Towing, Hilton Head Island SC, 29926, Auto Repair, Towing Service, Brake Repair, Alternator Replacement, Timing Belt Replacement and Tune-Ups Advance Towing
5 Power Alley
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Auto Repair, Hilton Head Island SC 29926
Advance Towing, Hilton Head Island SC, 29926, Auto Repair, Towing Service, Brake Repair, Alternator Replacement, Timing Belt Replacement and Tune-Ups
Our Specialties
We specialize in auto repair, transmission repair, brake repair, engine repair, towing services
Our Promise
We are proud to provide auto repair for Hilton Head Island. We will take care of your car and treat it like our own. We will gladly provide all the necessary auto repair services. When you bring in your automobile, our auto repair technicians will do their best to bring your car back to perfect shape.
Chuck Padgett, Owner

Average Customer Satisfaction Rating for the last six months based on 2 votes and 0 reviews

Very Satisfied
100.0% 2
Somewhat Satisfied 0.0% 0
Not Satisfied 0.0% 0
Reviews by 15 customers
5 star rating
Chip J. left a review for Advance Towing on 8/27/2016
5 star rating
Charles H. left a review for Advance Towing on 7/19/2016
5 star rating
Michael D. left a review for Advance Towing on 8/29/2015
5 star rating
Mitch M. left a review for Advance Towing on 6/24/2015
5 star rating
Mitch M. left a review for Advance Towing on 6/24/2015
5 star rating
James B. left a review for Advance Towing on 7/22/2014
5 star rating
Sean C. left a review for Advance Towing on 4/6/2014
5 star rating
Laurie T. left a review for Advance Towing on 11/7/2013
5 star rating
Dave E. left a review for Advance Towing on 10/25/2013
5 star rating
Chuck H. left a review for Advance Towing on 10/17/2013
5 star rating
Richard S. left a review for Advance Towing on 8/20/2013
5 star rating
Veronica left a review for Advance Towing on 3/7/2013
5 star rating
Tracey G. left a review for Advance Towing on 2/26/2013
5 star rating
Michael T R. left a review for Advance Towing on 2/8/2013
5 star rating
Richard C. left a review for Advance Towing on 10/28/2012

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