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Welcome to Tacoma Speedometer
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Tacoma Speedometer 98499-8743 map
Selected Shop Information
Tacoma Speedometer, Tacoma WA and Lakewood WA, 98499-8743 and 98499, Auto Repair, Speedometer Repair, Dash Panel Repair, Instrument Clusters and Ford Odometer Repair Tacoma Speedometer
10526 Steele St S
Tacoma, WA 98499-8743
Auto Repair, Tacoma WA 98499-8743
Tacoma Speedometer, Tacoma WA and Lakewood WA, 98499-8743 and 98499, Auto Repair, Speedometer Repair, Dash Panel Repair, Instrument Clusters and Ford Odometer Repair
Our Specialties
We specialize in
  • Auto Repair
  • Speedometer Repair
  • Dash Panel Repair
  • Instrument Clusters
  • Ford Odometer Repair
Our Promise

Here at Tacoma Speedometer in Tacoma and Lakewood, we specialize in Speedometer Repair. As the premier auto specialty shop in Tacoma and Lakewood, our highly-trained automotive mechanics take pride in their Auto Repair work. Each and every one of our reliable specialists undergoes extensive automotive repair training, including expertise in Ford Odometer Repair.

The owners and maintenance experts at Tacoma Speedometer have been honored to serve Tacoma and Lakewood for the past 44 years. While focusing on Instrument Clusters, our time-honored reputation in Tacoma and Lakewood was not built on the mastery of Dash Panel Repair alone. The automotive experts at Tacoma Speedometer are renowned in Tacoma and Lakewood and beyond.

So whether your specific vehicle maintenance needs require Speedometer Repair or not, the guys at Tacoma Speedometer will be glad to provide trustworthy and reputable service. From Ford Odometer Repair to Dash Panel Repair, we at Tacoma Speedometer are proud to provide reliable vehicle care to those living in Tacoma and Lakewood, or just driving through!

Mark Nelson, Owner

Average Customer Satisfaction Rating for the last six months based on 1 votes and 0 reviews

Very Satisfied
100.0% 1
Somewhat Satisfied 0.0% 0
Not Satisfied 0.0% 0
Reviews by 1 customers
5 star rating
Gary S. left a review for Tacoma Speedometer on 5/7/2014

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